This is how ReCollector works with the 17 world goals

We are many companies – both large and small – that work to integrate the UN's 17 global goals. We do this because it makes sense, because there is business potential, and because we as companies must take a share of responsibility if we are to solve the world's biggest challenges by 2030.


The 17 global goals are inextricably linked and influence each other, but as a company we have to choose a focus. At ReCollector, we have therefore chosen to focus primarily on two world goals, 11 and 12 – with these relevant sub-goals:

11.6 Before 2030, the negative environmental impact per population is reduced, including by placing particular emphasis on air quality and on municipal and other waste management.

12.5 Before 2030, the amount of waste must be significantly reduced through prevention, reduction, recovery and recycling.

ReCollector's sorting box supports the above sub-goals by focusing on recycling. Specifically, in that we use plastic, which is both recycled and reusable . But the product itself must also be a catalyst to make waste sorting easier. When it is easy for us to sort waste, we also get better at it.

Read more about the world goals here:

The future requires us to return to circular thinking

ReCollector has a strong focus on sustainability and tries to incorporate the circular economy into all decisions regarding purchases and business partners - and generally focus on products being recirculated. We must do away with linear thinking and be more inspired by nature, where everything is circular.

When something happens in nature, it always forms part of a cycle and thus never becomes worthless trash. We humans have 'forgotten' to think circularly, which is the reason why we have huge landfills with waste or incinerators where we let the waste go up in smoke. After all, we extract energy from the waste so that we get electricity and heat. But we have to do better. Our things are not included to a high enough degree in a circular system, where the resources can be used again and again and again.

It is a way of thinking and a form of production that we must do away with. We must take care of our planet so that future generations can also enjoy the same opportunities that we have now.